The Avenues are magical come fall...
And The Dorius building is a staple of this picturesque, walkable neighborhood. Located on tree-lined 1st Ave, The Dorius was built in 1912 and holds additional storage, shared parking, and onsite laundry for its tenants. This studio—clocking in at a tidy 955 sq. ft.—is a fun, funky, and wide-open addition to the building. The layout is a unique one but there’s no wasted space here, making this modest space feel much more spacious. There’s character in spades here, and we’re particularly keen on the original tile in the bathroom and the well-appointed kitchen. The private balcony holds fabulous Avenues views (made especially so by changing leaves), and this building is also just a dash to Downtown’s shopping, eats, and drinks, and it’s just a 15-minute drive to Salt Lake International airport. In short, this home base is well worth scooping up.